ai lu miao
发布时间:2019-10-07 15:54:58点击:85


Section One
场次 2011044 2010066
场景 租房咨询
题型 填空 10
内容概述 Tenant Details 租房
1.Title: manager
2.Position: center 题目是 in the xx of the city
3.Total staff number : 10 简单加法 10+20+10
4.Preferred date: May 之前那个 house agent 说那个新地方 available 只有在 Oct,但是这个女的说是他们的 租期 6 月份到期,所以最好 prefer May
5.The size of new office 12000 有个混淆数字是 10,000
6.Remove xx in the conference room 填 boards
7.Store room needs enlargement 卷面词汇不是 enlargement ,但是这个意思
8. Kitchen 那个 house agent 说这个厨房还是挺好的,但是那个女人说需要装修下
9. A view of xx river
Section Two
场次 2016031 20120811 2008
场景 其他
题型 选择 1 填空 9
内容概述 关于太平洋制衣公司 Pacific Clothing Firm 招聘介绍,先说服务行业竞 争,再说主要是职位的空缺、人员的要求和福利。
选择 1:
1.服装行业竞争的重点 in order to succeed, clothing firms should: 选:(B. sell new product)
填空 9:
需要的职位 three types of professions the firm is looking for:
2. designers
3. accountants
4. engineers
要求员工的技能 the firm plans to recruit employees who are:
5. clever 另一版本:collaborative
6. loyal
7. hard-working
8.员工不用 pay for, company will offer:(free transportation)
9.为员工和他们的家人提供?company provides a (fitness centre) for employees and their families.
10.此处有 2 个版本的答案:there is a seminar about latest development in fashion.
员工在那里接受培训? the firm holds its training in (workplace).
Section Three
场次 20160605
题型 单选 6 配对 4
内容概述 师生针对研究报告进行交谈
单选 6
1.Why it is important to complete the report.
A.Go into personal profile
B.Help lesson option for next semester
C.Help next presentation
2. What is the tutor's suggestions for the first draft of the report?
A. revise some part
C. Some statistics are confusing
3. How did they choose course sites?
A.choose one which is easy to access to
B.Selected carefully in a map
C.Pick them at random
4.What's the personal aim of this field trip?
A.just to apply field techniques learned
B.Measuring a tree density
C.Find out the ingredient of the soil
5. Why do you want to include others data?
A. make report more valid
6. Which measures do you find easy to take?
A.use elevator to observe the height of the land
B. Measure the height of the vegetable
配对 4
A. more training before the trip
B.Reduce complexity
C.Repeat it in the near future
D.Offer a wider range
E.Organize in a better way
F.Give more details
8.Data collecting sheet—E
9.Reference material—D
Group work with strangers—C
Section Four
场次 20150410 2011089 20110915
学科 科技
题型 填空 10
内容概述 有关 bionomics 仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。
填空 10
1.Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.
2.silk which is stronger than steel.
3.finer than human hair application 
4.environmentally friendly equipment for fishing
5.treat sports (athlete) injures
6.medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.
7.Problem: noise of a train Owl : artificial skill
8.skatingboards used by Olympic
9.vibration on plane and end of a tunnel
10.reduce the loss of energy

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