ai lu miao
雅思口语话题范文:Part2 人物类
发布时间:2019-05-06 11:48:18点击:58



  Someone Dresses well

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  What kinds of clothes this person like to wear

  How you know about this person

  Explain why you think this person dresses well



  fashionable/ dress well,只能想到衣着,但其实还包括关于时尚的态度、理念


  可以尝试按照不同场合进行举例,formal/ casual,或者是社交网络看来的例子,也是超级百搭




  Recently, my favorite super model Liu Wen participated in a Chinese reality show called “We Got Married”. And this time, this legendary fashion icon finally caught the eyes of mass media in China with both of her likable personality and her incredibly fashionable clothing style.

  Liu Wen is currently the highest-ranked model of Asian decent in history who is now still one of the Top 3 supermodels in the world.

  I remember it was like in 2010, I was watching that year’s V-show online as usual. A tall, beautiful Asian girl walked onto the catwalk out of the blue. She’s smiling, confident and healthy. Since that year, I remembered her name, Liu Wen, the first Chinese model to walk the Victoria secrete fashion show ever.

  From my perspective, she is no doubt a natural in fashion industry. No matter showing on a formal red carpet ceremony, or just in a street snap shot, Liu Wen is always glamorous, stunning and stylish. Standing in front of the camera, she is always wearing those latest, fancy outfits from those designer’s brands, but according to herself, what she actually prefers to wear in daily life is far from that. Her selfies & private pictures posted on social media happen to prove this. From those photos, we could often see a charming slender beauty in a casual but chic vintage dress or sometimes even wearing man-style suit along with a pair of high-heels. So edgy! Plus, you’ll never fail to find those latest trendy elements on her every-day outfits. For young girls like me, she’s like a real walking fashion magazine.

  To my knowledge, unlike most stars who’s got their own professional stylists to help them, Liu Wen chose all those amazing outfits on her own, and some of those shirts are even designed by herself. I remember in a interview about her, she described her own style as a tomboyish, vintage and comfortable one. Recently, she’s considering about being a stylist and sharing her own fashion style with all the females worldwide, which I am really looking forward to.

  Describe a person whose job is important to the society

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  What job does he or she have

  How you know this person

  And explain why his/her job is important to the society

  这道题的思路比较直接,也相对比较顺畅,人物是谁,工作是什么,为什么对这个社会很重要,略微转了一点点的是第三项how do you know this person. 所以不妨把顺序稍微调整一下.逻辑会更顺畅,是谁-怎么认识的-工作-原因. 雅思口语part2部分的点是可以调整顺序的,但切记不要丢点。


  所以选材方面自然要选取自己比较熟悉的,job方面,同学们最熟悉的莫过于teachers。今天我们不妨就用这个烂俗的选材,来给出漂亮的答案。 无论是任何topic,越是general,大家反而不知道该说什么。相反越是具体反而是越容易描述。所以我们不妨把teacher具体一点。

  第一个关键词 who,你可以说是your primary teacher Peggie,或者a teacher from the kindergarten I was in when I was 4 years old,named Peggie 这么一比较很少有学生会选primary teacher,语言过于简单,因为没有具体支撑的细节信息。而且你自己引入了过去信息,时态上也会更加丰富;

  当然 你不要停在这里,要给出extra information,这是加分点。可以描述这位老师的外貌,性格,爱好,特点等等。而这些是描述人物题的基础方面。更好的方式是把这些有逻辑的串联起来。因为这些可以放在how you know her当中,是很好的你知道了解他甚至是很喜欢这个人的原因;

  她的具体工作内容,可以采用总分的描述方式;记得分的部分要具体:教你某一种课,带你吃饭,哄你睡觉,陪你等家长等等routine affairs;

  为什么他的工作对社会很重要,这个部分千万不要仅仅限定在这个人身上,而要更侧重这一类职业的人。作为educator,自然是teach and guide,而在enlightenment启蒙阶段,更是对一个人的personality and character方面起positive的作用。落脚在society. 这个地方可以引用中国的proverb“小时了了大未必佳”,小时了了,长大比较容易佳。这样下来一个思维严谨,逻辑通顺的part2就完成了。

  I’d definitely like to talk about one of my teacher, Peggie, who I believe makes great contribution to our society by doing her own job. She is actually still working in the kindergarten I was in when I was 4 years old. Not only is she glamorous, has big eyes, always wears her hair in a pony tail and has a singbird-like voice, which is ,honestly, one of the main reasons that I’m incredibly attracted to her. but also she is extremely patient. What I’m saying is that I used to be really naughty and she never got angry with me or even annoyed。

  In terms of her detailed working responsibilities,there are those routine affairs like teaching the handcrafting class, make sure the kids are well fed,and most importantly,guarantee the safety especially when a lot of running around are involved. Another duty of hers is to guide and teach the little fellows what to do and what not to.

  So, the sole reason her job deem to be a great contribution to the community is that as an educator in the enlightenment period of one’s life, she contributes in shaping a good person, cultivating positive personalities and characters, delivering healthy ways of thinking and behaving. All these things make great men who dedicate to devote and give back to the society. There’s a Chinese saying goes ‘a clever boy doesn't bound to make a great man. However, I’d like to think ‘to make a great man, one better be well nurtured” of course I mean by his preschool teacher.

  Describe a time someone or something made noise.

  You should say:

  When this happened

  Who this person was/what this thing was

  What kinds of noise was

  And explain what you did when you heard the noise.

  题目解析:这道题要求我们描述制造噪音的人或事儿,可以选择人或者事情,这就一定程度的降低了题目难度,比较容易说出丰富内容的应该是人,我们可以从很多角度去讲谁,什么时间,做了什么事让你觉得很吵,怎么样影响到了你。可以聊到neighbors makenoise, 比如邻居家中有toddler 还在学步的小孩总是会哭闹,或者邻居家总是会有party 会有loud music也可以聊到一次在书店里看书时,有人在大声的讲电话很吵。




  When--- 具体是什么时间



  I actually had neighbors that make an effort to make loud noises when it was obvious that my family and I were preparing for sleep. They were young couple without kids and lived next door. The most unbearable time was a Monday evening, we had to get up early next day, but they were having an extremely loud party next door. Although the flat was pretty well sound proof, we could clearly hear the laugh, the music and they talked so loud until the mid-night. It was really annoying and we didn’t want to go knock on their door and ask them to turn the music down, because we had tried before and that reaction didn’t really get much accomplishment but my walls were literally vibrating with the music. Around 2 am, I called the community to help. They came after 20 minutes and stopped them. The couple were really embarrassed when they had to stop their party. They even didn’t apologize for the terrible noise. Luckily we moved to a new place and neighbors are pretty nice and amiable. People all want good neighbors, and we should be considerate and thoughtful to our neighbors for having a great relationship with our neighbors.

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